Sunday, 29 July 2012

Race report, 2012 24hrs Of adrenaline

 Around 4pm on Friday:

Coralee and I, with our son Zachary were headed out to Canmore so I  could compete in the 2012 24HOA. The conditions when we left Calgary were quite favorable with the weekend forecast for sunny skies for both event days.

However, Friday turned out to be the wild weather day, as we drove straight into a monsoon at Deadmans flats. The rain and wind were so fierce it forced us to slow down to 60km/ph. until the weather subsided and we were able to drive clear of the weather front and arrive safely at the Nordic Centre in Canmore.

After about an hour of pit setup, tent, tables, lights, chairs etc, I head over to pick up my race package. After that was done, we all agree that it would be great to get checked into our hotel and grab a bite to eat. That would leave enough daylight for me to go for a quick lap of the race course before heading off to bed.

Well, finding the hotel and getting checked in was the easy part, getting a restaurant proved not so easy, as reports of  2 mudslides in and around Banff had a lot of the restaurants in Canmore full and not taking any more customers. After being turned away from 2 restaurants, we found a Lounge that would let us bring Zachary in and order dinner.  An hour later with full tummies we head back to the hotel so that I could get out for my 45 min scheduled ride and Zach could get to bed.

Hmm not so easy, another downpour rolled in when we arrived at the hotel, and I decided that I wasn't going to risk riding in that crap, until I absolutely had to. Cor put Zach to bed and I figured it was a good time for a last minute check on my race gear. It gave me something to do as it was too early for me to go to bed.

Race kit...check. Shoes, helmets and lights...check. Charger for lights... Check... err wait, one charger yes, but the plug in adapter for my main set of lights wasn't attached to the charger. I start tearing into my supply boxes, and no luck. I start to think that it's stuck in the wall socket at home in the garage where I have setup a charging station.

I tell Cor, I plan on making the drive back to our home in Calgary and see if I can find the plug-in adapter, then I would head back to the hotel in Canmore. She says she would try and see if she could get Scott (her brother) to check and see if it was there and bring it over to Vince and Laura's house as they were planning on coming out in the morning to support us.

A nervous 45 minutes later I get a picture sent to me via text from Scott showing the plug-in adapter and that he is enroute to Vince and Laura's. Man, was I relieved!

6am Saturday morning:

I wake up, make a phone call to Beamers coffee house. Great! They are open at 6am. Back to our room at 6:30 armed with a couple of latte's, breakfast sandwiches, and orange juice for Zach. I start looking through my Facebook and start seeing reports of a storm at the Nordic Centre the night before, except that there was mention of tents being destroyed and part of the race course damaged. As we are eating and getting ready for our day, Cor and I both are hitting "refresh" on our phones for updates.  8am we arrive at the Nordic Centre, our tent is destroyed and our gear is blown all over the pit lane. A quick phone call to Vince and Laura, " Are you sure you don't mind stopping off at CT and picking us up another tent?" Great ! Ok see you in a few hrs.  Bailed out again.... nice to have support!

While we clean up our mess and start getting setup as best we can, we get a couple of offers of free usage of tents from other participants, as well as the organizers. Very cool, how everyone was willing to pitch in and help. That is the heart and soul of this event, I was proud to be part of it, and because of it I was starting to feel good about my race and that I could start to not worry about our setup, that I could start to really concentrate on my 24 hr race.

Around 10am we hear on the loudspeaker, that the race has been postponed (first time ever) until 1pm so that the course volunteers could do some repairs to the race course because of the storm. At this time my Coach Shaun, with my friend Scott and his wife Lisa show up with big smiles and start setting up their storm damaged tents. The pit and the venue itself is starting to buzz and come to life... it seems that everyone is showing up to help or to get ready for the race.

12:45pm a new tent setup at my pit, a few laughs with my firends, new and old, next thing you know I'm standing at the start finish line with Shaun, waiting for the gun to go off.  I'm ready for this event I have done some good preparation for this and I can't wait to get on my bike and turn some laps.

1pm, we're off for the Lemans start, I hang with Shaun for a bit during the run, but I can't keep his pace, I hate running. 5 or so mins later I'm on my bike, and heading out on my first lap.

The first 6 hours are pretty uneventful, as I ride my bike and get in some decent laps. Early on in the event I see some of my friends from Calgary make the drive out to support me. It was cool to see them, and I really appreciated. I get some high fives from my son Zach as I pass him on pit row, as well as from Jo-Jo and Danilo, (Vince and Laura's twin boys). I'm having fun and feeling good.  As night approaches I get my lights on and settle in for the night laps,  My sponsor's from AST are at my pit cheering me on, and then later at the start finish line. Very cool!

I get reports of a bear and cougar sighting. I don't see them, it doesn't mean I wasn't keeping an eye out for them. I hear "go solo" as I round the checkpoints and common area's, it's a great vibe and the people that volunteer and participate in this event are the best. 

I get some solid lap times in during the night. I'm able to move from 11th overall up 5th, and then again to 4th by the morning hours. It was great to get the lights off, and get riding into some daylight, the first lap of the morning is my favorite by far, and it was shaping up to be a warm sunny day.

At 11:45 am Sunday, I complete my 17th lap and I'm told I have secured 3rd spot, 2nd and 1st are just a bit too far away to pull back, but I still go out for another lap hoping for the best and enjoying my last lap of the event.

24hrs and 8 mins later I finish my race and get a 3rd place podium placing at this kick ass event. I am truly proud of this, and grateful.

I may have ridden this event solo, but it was by no means a solo "effort".

I have to thank, my wonderful wife, and son. They give me the motivation and the support for my training as well as Cor being a Kick ass Pit Manager.

A huge thanks out to my coach Shaun,  (Forward Momentum coaching) still the toughest dude around who has forgotten more than most racers know. As well as making the best coffee I have ever had. I continue to learn, thank you

To Vince and Laura, I (we) are truly blessed to have you as our friends and we are grateful for all your support.

To my sponsors, Active Sports Therapy, Dr Dave and Dr Claire. You guys rock and I'm truly proud to wear the AST logo on my jersey!

To Alex, and Al at Pedalhead sports in Calgary, for setting up my bike and making it race ready. I really appreciate the top notch service you guys give me.

To my b-in-law Scott, no matter what dude, you came and got my lights sorted out . Thanks!

To my brother in Austin, TX your support and friendship is always there when I need it . Now let's go riding!

To all the organizers and volunteers (and Crazy Larry)  who work this event year after year. Yeah, I heard ya at 3am when I trotted through the timing tent. You guys are incredible and deserve a big pat on the back for this.

For a great read on this event:

Next stop, Worlds :-)